
Rest in Pieces: Jenga-ish Ridiculous Roommate Roleplaying

Created by Pete "The Landlord" Petrusha at Imagining Games

Fill the shoes of a fed-up deadbeat roommate that happens to share a cramped studio apartment with none other than the Grim Reaper! What can go wrong, does go wrong in this ridiculous game about bad days and difficult roommates. Rest in Pieces is a dark comedy tabletop roleplaying game inspired by the misadventures, cartoon logic, and over-the-top characters of slacker sitcoms like The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, the Regular Show, Rick & Morty, and It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Plays with a Two-Color Jenga-ish Block Tower and a unique deck of 108 cards that teach the rules, describe characters, and create overarching problems. With 14 unique problem scenarios to rile up your roommates, you’ll be ready to play in minutes! 3-6 Players (With GM), 1 Hour, Mature Themes for Immature Play *Contains suggestive themes, crude humor, and strong language.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

January Update!
almost 4 years ago – Sat, Jan 30, 2021 at 05:19:01 PM

The Latest

The Game Master's Gym on the Borderlands


Surveys have gone out to all of the Kickstarter Backers and the Pre-Order Store is now open! You'll be happy to hear that I was able to negotiate even better pricing than expected. So, everyone is getting a free gift for making this all possible! Check out your survey for more info. 

*Credit Cards will be charged on 2/16/21 for shipping and Add-Ons. After that, I'll do them as they come in. That should give everyone a little time to make changes, if need be. 

If you'd like to invite a friend to the Pre-Order Store, here's a link.

Status Report


DONE! Debora finished her illustrations and Matthias completed the graphic design of all the packaging. Wait until you see the kickass collage Matthias put together for the stacking sleeve! 


Everything is complete and ready for the printer except for the Rulebook. Keith Garrett, the Editor, and I were kicking suggestions and revisions back and forth this past week. I turned in the file to Matthias yesterday. So, it may be a week or two before that is complete (small rulebook).  All of the Expansion Decks are complete and ready, so is the Core Deck. 


DONE! The decks are being proofread, so I may have a few typos to correct but that's quick work.  Cards don't require the kind of editing correction that a book needs for structure.  I imagine this will be completed in the next week or two depending on when I receive that feedback. 


  • The Death Plushies are expected to arrive this coming week. That's exciting!
Death! Don't be rude! — We were also able to reduce the cost of each Death Plushie to $40 from $50.

What's Next? 

When the rulebook layout is complete, I'll send all of the game files to Hopes Manufacturing and begin the proofing process from their end. They'll send me digital and/or physical samples to check for proper coloring and sizing. When that all looks good, I'll give them the thumbs up to start printing. 

On A Cool Note! 

Menachem talks with WIRED magazine about using my Dreamchaser RPG for therapy!

Menachem Cohen was interviewed by WIRED magazine in an article titled How One Rabbi Uses Roleplaying Games to Build Community. Menachem is the lead designer on a one-on-one version of Dreamchaser designed for personal and spiritual growth. He talks about it with WIRED. 

You can check it out here.  What a swell guy?

Thank you for your support! :D

-Pete, The Landlord

If you want to see even more content and regular updates throughout the week, join the Rest in Pieces Facebook Group .

For more on Imagining Games:

December Update!
about 4 years ago – Thu, Dec 31, 2020 at 11:14:49 AM

The Latest

Charon the Ferryman's Boathouse

Here's a quick rundown on where we are at!


  • The cover art for three of the five expansion decks are complete. The fourth is nearing ink. 
  • The files and design instructions for the core box and expansion deck boxes are now with Matthias for graphic design. 
  • I'm currently whipping up ideas for what to print on the stacking sleeve and card holder in the box. 
A peek at the latest white box sample from Hopes Manufacturing. Don't mind the blocks, they are three mm off from being flush (1 per block). It's been corrected.


  • The text has a new and more consistent font hierarchy. 
  • The look and spacing on the Middle Fingers cards are much improved. 
  • The card border designs for the expansion decks are complete. Each Fiend Friend expansion will be easy to identify (if you mix up the cards) by different color and different border icons. 
  • The character card has been improved.
  • Currently, I'm transferring the expansion decks from word documents to our card templates. 
Example Character Card - I also learned how to share better quality images of things I make in Indesign. I always exported to PDF then made jpg/png files. Making the images straight from Indesign creates a much cleaner image. Wish I would've caught that for the Kickstarter page, lol!


  • I created a small rulebook to better contain the rules with a sizeable example of play. 
  • The core game text has been improved for clarity and consistency. 
  • The core game's cards and rulebook are now with Keith for editing. 
  • As I finish the expansion decks in Indesign, I'll send those to Keith for proofreading. 


  • Hopes Manufacturing (Maker of Gloomhaven) will be producing the Rest in Pieces products. Their samples have been great. Bolt Pang, my rep, has consistently gone above and beyond to make sure the product is what it needs to be and that we get it at an amazing price.
  • I've been going back and forth with Stuffed Animal Pros on the Death Plushies. We've been working to perfect their new sample before mass production. Nothing big, just tweaking them to look like the original from the Kickstarter. Death would kill me if I mess up their likeness!

The video is a little dated now, but I thought you still might like to see it! See the image at top for a more modern look of what the box looks like inside.

What's Next?

Backerkit is coming soon! I just want the cover art for the last two expansions before I open it up. For those of you that aren't familiar with Backerkit, it is a pledge manager website that helps me organize all your info for fulfillment. You'll receive an email asking you to check it out. There you can update your mailing address, add on extras, and pay for any shipping costs. It also works like a preorder store, too.

The plan is still to get all of the files to Hopes in preparation for print in January, but if that bleeds into February, we're still in a good place to deliver on time. 

Did I Miss Anything?

Let me know if you have questions or suggestions! Thank you for your support! :D

-Pete, The Landlord

If you want to see even more content and regular updates throughout the week, join the Rest in Pieces Facebook Group .

For more on Imagining Games:

November Update
about 4 years ago – Sun, Nov 29, 2020 at 11:35:16 AM

The Latest

The Great Cthulhu's Leaky Flophouse

How's it going!? 

It has been a month since the Kickstarter, so I have a bunch of great stuff to share with you! 

As you can see above, Deb and I are working on cover art for the Expansion Decks. We have Cthulhu's Flophouse and Charon's Boathouse complete with the Game Master's Gym on the Borderlands in progress. Imagine each of these fit on the front of a playing card deck.

Instigator Deck Icon

Meagan created a new icon for use with the Instigator Deck. We wanted to give those cards something that would help them stand on their own.

I've received two white box samples. For those that don't know, white box samples are sent by manufacturers to publishers so that we can check component quality. 

The box in the video above had a few hiccups, but the latest was awesome! The latest box is sturdy and strong. The wooden blocks look great, and even better, they play great! With excellent quotes for printing in hand. We are good to go once we have the art files ready for them. 

Death Plushies have also been ordered. I believe those should arrive in the early Spring. 

What's Next

I've been tweaking the layout of the cards and the writing of the core deck. Once that is complete, I'll be using the template to create the updated Expansion Decks files. In the meantime, Matthias will be creating the Expansion Deck Box Covers. That should be most of our work for December. We'd like to get those files to the printer in January with some solid proofs to show. 

I decided to hold off on BackerKit until after Christmas. You probably have plenty of gifts to pay for now anyway! No need to put one more thing on you.

Surveys ($64 Pledges+)

The surveys have gone out to collect your Suggested Deadbeat Roommate Names & Dead-End Places to Work. The deadline was a couple days ago, but I won't get to them for a few more days yet. If you are just now hearing about this, you still have a little time. If you backed at $64 or more, you should've received a survey to your Kickstarter email address on 11/11/2020. It was a perk for higher pledges. 

Happy Thanksgiving, here's wishing you and your family the best this holiday season! Let me know if you have questions or suggestions! Thank you for your support! :D

 -Pete, The Landlord

If you want to see even more content and regular updates throughout the week, join the Rest in Pieces Facebook Group .

For more on Imagining Games:

WE DID IT!!! and Where We Go From Here
about 4 years ago – Fri, Oct 30, 2020 at 07:04:47 PM


127% Funded and nearly 200 a time like this (the election, quarantine, school year craziness)! We unlocked FIVE Expansion Decks and and additional TWO Kickstarter Exclusive Cards with Social Stretch Goals! AND, we gave a lot of people a reason to smile this Halloween Season and deadbeat pictures to laugh at! 

Thank you SO much for joining me on this wild ride!! Every like, share, retweet, and comment kept me going in what was an uphill battle. It was particularly hard without getting to physically see and spend time with so many of you, especially with a game that shines in person. 

Through it all...WE persevered...WE succeeded!!

What's Next?

Rest in Pieces has had a few different art directions in the past! Here is one of my favorite oldies. :D

I've been working with the Art Team throughout the Kickstarter to craft the images for the Expansion Decks. I'm going to start gathering white box samples from manufacturers to ensure the "Death Spiral" block towers work as well as expected. While I wait for samples, I'll be working to give the layout, writing, and functionality one final pass. 

A Rough Timeline:

  •  November:  Surveying Backers for Deadbeat Names/Dead-End Places to Work, Gathering Manufacturer Samples, Collecting Expansion Deck Art, Setting up BackerKit, Updating the Layout and Writing of the Cards
  •  December:  Updating Graphic Designs of the Physical Components, Submitting Proofs to the Manufacturer
  •  January: Closing BackerKit, Finalizing Order/Proofs with the Manufacturer
  •  March: Send out the Print and Play/Digital PDF files
  •  May/June: Fulfillment of Physical Rewards

Staying In Touch

I plan to deliver monthly Backer Updates to keep you informed of our progress. Feel free to use the comments for any questions that come up. I'll be around and happy to help! 

Want to be more involved with Rest in Pieces and Imagining Games? 

That's it for now! Start thinking about what Deadbeat Roommate Names or Dead-End Places to Work you want put into print. I'll be sending out a survey in the next week or so to gather names. 

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. It is a pleasure to make games that make people laugh, think, and grow creatively. You make that possible for me, and I'll never forget it! 

-Pete, The Landlord

$120 to Stretch Goal!! 30 MINUTES TO GO!
over 4 years ago – Thu, Oct 29, 2020 at 07:33:20 PM

So Close!!

We are JUST $120 away from giving nearly Two Hundred Backers a 2nd Dry Erase Marker and an additional Kickstarter Exclusive card with their Box Sets!

The next Stretch Goal is within reach, if we...can

Maybe, you'd like an Add-On? 

  • Add $49 for a Stuffed Death Plushie
  • Add $19 for a 13x19" Art Print of Your Choosing
  • Add $15 for an Expansion Deck
  • Add $18 for a Softcover Copy of My First Game, Dreamchaser: A Game of Destiny

I love a good nail-biter!

-Pete, The Landlord