Rest in Pieces: Jenga-ish Ridiculous Roommate Roleplaying
Created by Pete "The Landlord" Petrusha at Imagining Games
Fill the shoes of a fed-up deadbeat roommate that happens to share a cramped studio apartment with none other than the Grim Reaper! What can go wrong, does go wrong in this ridiculous game about bad days and difficult roommates.
Rest in Pieces is a dark comedy tabletop roleplaying game inspired by the misadventures, cartoon logic, and over-the-top characters of slacker sitcoms like The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, the Regular Show, Rick & Morty, and It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
Plays with a Two-Color Jenga-ish Block Tower and a unique deck of 108 cards that teach the rules, describe characters, and create overarching problems. With 14 unique problem scenarios to rile up your roommates, you’ll be ready to play in minutes!
3-6 Players (With GM), 1 Hour, Mature Themes for Immature Play
*Contains suggestive themes, crude humor, and strong language.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Game Master Unlocked, New Art, and the Final 4 Days!
over 4 years ago
– Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 03:35:13 PM
The Game Master Is Good to Go
SUCCESS! Thanks to the diligent efforts of you and the many others that played along, we've collected over ONE HUNDRED Deadbeat pics, Grim Reaper Impersonation photos, and Roommate Horror Stories! How cool is that?
That means the Game Master is now available as a Fiend Friend Expansion Deck! This marks our FOURTH Expansion Deck that is now available as an Add-On ($15) or thrown in with every The Dude Abides pledge.
How do you add the Game Master Expansion to your Pledge?
One of the following:
Up your Pledge to The Dude Abides ($99)to receive ALL four of the Expansion Decks and 5 Kickstarter Exclusive Cards with your Box Set. You'll also get to put a name of a Deadbeat and a Dead-End Place to Work in the game.
Up your Pledge to Three's Company ($64) to receive TWO of the four Expansion Decks and 2 Kickstarter Exclusive Cards with your Box Set. You'll also get to put a name of a Deadbeat into the game.
Up your Pledge by $15 and the Game Master Expansion Deck later in BackerKit (after the Kickstarter).
Sneak Peak
Tomorrow, Monday the 26th at 5pm CST/6pm EST, I'll be running Rest in Pieces for the Puppets of Perception Studios live on Twitch at Encounter Roleplay. One lucky backer/pledge level increaser will win a frameable 13x19 print of the new art during the first hour of our Actual Play (mailed out this week). In the second and final hour, I'll be giving away a Death Plushie (as soon as I get them)!
Thank You
We are nearing the end of the Kickstarter Campaign! Thank you for joining me on this wild ride! As many of you know, the last two days drive in a lot of new eyes and last minute funding (thanks to the Remind Me later button).
We have a very good shot at achieving our first stretch goal ($12,999), and with a little luck, even unlocking a FIFTH Expansion Deck ($15,999) that should make all of our Rick and Morty fans very very happy!
It canall happenreally fast!
So, start thinking about the Add-Ons you may want or even upping your pledge to get ALL of the Expansion Decks, one more might slide in there at the finish.
-Pete , The Landlord
Funded, An Actual Play with Puppets, and Deadbeat Horror Stories...did I mention we FUNDED!!?!
over 4 years ago
– Sat, Oct 24, 2020 at 03:17:56 PM
Rest in Pieces is coming to a couch near you! Whether it be Death, Great Cthulhu, Charon the Ferryman, or the Game Master, you had better make space! They ain't leaving any time soon...
Death already stole MY spot on the couch...
Next up, let's add a second dry erase marker and a Kickstarter Exclusive Middle Finger card to every Box Set pledge with our first funding Stretch Goal!
How can you help?
You can post in a Facebook Group or a Discord Channel about the Kickstarter. Mention what drew you in...
You can share the campaign with a friend that you know will love this game, the art, or the inspirations (Invader Zim, Rick & Morty, The Regular Show, Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, It's Always Sunny)
You could add a Death Plushie to your pledge or another Add-On.
Our next funding goal is $12,999. Let's get after it!
An Actual Play LIVE on TWITCH with PUPPETS
I gave in...they just kept asking!
Puh puh puhlease, will you run Rest in Pieces for us?
Don't miss this one-of-a-kind shitshow! I'm going to run Rest in Pieces LIVE on Twitch this Monday night for Cucumber, Brian, and Chunk of Perception Studio. Even better, Charlie is going to bring some class to our hijinks as our designated block puller (Jenga) over at Encounter Roleplay.
You can see it all unfold at can even ask the "felt friends" questions or offer them suggestion in the chat.
The Final Social Stretch Goal
We are just 17 pics or stories away from our next Backer reward!!!
Post any of the following to help us cross the finish line.
You can share a deadbeat photo of yourself
You can share your best impersonation of the Grim Reaper
You can share picture proof that deadbeats walk among us
You can share a roommate HORROR story
Just post to your social media profile of choice and tag #RestInPieces so I can find it. :D
Thank you all SO much! WE did it! Now, let's get all the goodies we can and throw them in for each and every one of you.
-Pete, The Landlord
P.S. Has anyone seen Rick Sanchez...err, Rick Fury (Rick #62)? Aww shit, where has he gone now?
Six Pics Away From a Brand New Card!
over 4 years ago
– Thu, Oct 22, 2020 at 08:30:27 AM
A Grim Social Stretch Goal
We are JUST 6 deadbeat photos away from adding a brand new KICKSTARTER EXCLUSIVE Odd Hobby card of your making! Head on over to the comments on the Kickstarter page to voice your opinion of what that should be! This card will be in addition to the 108 cards already planned for the core deck and not made for sale anywhere else.
As we pass the goal line on the first Social Stretch Goal, we unlock the next! Keep your deadbeat photos coming, but now, we also want your best impersonation of the Grim Reaper (or other Fiend Friend) immortalized on social media!
As before, post the pic to your profile and tag #RestInPieces so that we can find it! Everyone is welcome to join the fun. No need to back to play.
100 Pics
At 100 pics, we'll unlock an additional Fiend Friend Expansion Deck! For backers at The Dude Abides pledge (or that include The Dude Abides), this will be an additional expansion added to your pledge at NO EXTRA CHARGE.
Who could be hiding behind the veil?
The Rolistes Interview
In case you missed it! I hung out with Kalum of the Rolistes, a London-based tabletop RPG podcast, on Twitch this past Monday morning. We spoke about Rest in Pieces, tabletop components in RPGs, English slacker comedies, and more!
We're going door-to-door and racking up the pledges! Thank you all for reaching out to your friends, sharing the deadbeat photos, and for accompanying me on this Kickstarter journey! I don't know about you, but I love seeing these pics, they're cracking me up! Let's keep the smiles going!
-Pete, The Landlord
The Game Master Approaches!
over 4 years ago
– Thu, Oct 22, 2020 at 08:30:05 AM
Social Stretch Goals
We are 60 photos towards our next Social Stretch Goal and we have an awesome reward in sight at 100 pics! Welcome the Game Master and his odd obsession with Pro Wrestling to our curious line of Fiend Friend Expansions Decks!
The Game Master unlocks the Gym on the Borderlands Pad! Imagine as hammock festooned walls crowd a largely hidden concrete floor. Looming, faded floor mats, each a unique collage of congealed stains incubate disease. Ancient refuse and laundry lines of steaming singlets further cramp an already mobbed space. The equipment required to wage war on self-loathing resides in this temple to power, a sacred squared circle at its center.
To help us unlock our latest Frenemy, we've added a brand new challenge to our Social Stretch Goals. We want picture proof that deadbeat roommates live among us! That's right, I want pictures! Post pics to your profile of mountainous dirty dishes, a sea of beer cans or pizza boxes, and messes of utter catastrophe. With 40 more images to go of your best deadbeat photos, grim reaper impersonations, and deadbeat evidence, I'm sure we can get there!
As always, post pics to your social media platform of choice and tag #RestInPieces so we can find it.
Chaotic Good Cast
In case you missed it! I joined the Chaotic Good Cast to talk Rest and Pieces and a little retail oriented business earlier in the week. Can you believe Wizards of the Coast is already trying to sell us a "revamped" version of Ravenloft for 5E so soon after the first?
Don't Forget to Vote
You have until Saturday to cast your vote for your favorite Odd Hobby! It is a Kickstarter Exclusive Card for every box set pledge and courtesy of all the hard work done in the Social Stretch Goals so far!